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Dr. Chris Fuzie
Nov 17, 20184 min read
Is the Manipulation of Information a Misuse of Power?
When conducting training for new leaders, one of the basic concepts we explore is how they obtain and use the different sources of power....
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Dr. Chris Fuzie
Oct 27, 20188 min read
What is Causing Social Divisiveness and Animosity?
After providing active shooter training at a nearby university and nation-wide realty company, one of the participants asked my opinion...
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Dr. Chris Fuzie
Jun 22, 20186 min read
Technology: A Choice for Humans
Life is an amazing teacher. It taught me a lesson in a 2-hour wait in an airport about how we can use technology to enhance the human...
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Dr. Chris Fuzie
Apr 15, 20185 min read
Is the Media, and Social Media, Causing Unnecessary Fear?
When I was a kid in the 1960’s I remember seeing a sci-fi movie, The Fly. In the movie, a scientist invents a machine to transport...
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