Can your supervisors transform their leadership inspiration into behaviors?
In my CMF Leadership Consulting’s Leadership Effectiveness seminars, I ask the age-old question: What’s the difference between managing and leading? I always get some close responses and then someone may quote General Schwarzkopf with, “You manage things, you lead people.” I usually also get the answer of, “Leadership is inspiring people to do what you want them to do,” or something similar. Of course, all of these are true and very moving, but then I ask them to put it to work, transform inspiration into behavior.
I point out that everyone has already been “managing” because they have all placed their “things” (workbooks, notepads, pens, phones, computers, coffee, etc.) on the tables in front of them, and then point out some of the different configurations on the tables.
The next thing I do is select one student (usually someone who is very precise about how they placed their “things” on the table) and ask them, “O.K., you’ve managed your stuff,” and point to the participant next to them and ask, “how would you get this person to do that for you every day this year without you having to tell them to do it?” The response is usually something like, “Ask them?” or “Show them how I want it?” This is about the time they usually shrug and say, “Uh, I’m not sure.” Which is the very reason why learning “behavior-based leadership” is critically important to an organization. Because transforming “inspiration” and “motivation” into “methods of influencing behavior of individuals, teams, and the organization, to achieve organizational goals,” is what is going to make your organization successful.
How does your organization teach its front-line supervisors, trainers, and team leaders to transform the inspiration, motivation, and job satisfaction into performance?
In the Leadership Effectiveness seminar participants examine fifteen (15) different psychology, social science and behavioral science theories, as well as communication and ethical considerations. Participants learn how to apply these theories to real conditions of focus using the L.E.A.D.E.R. Action Method©, which is a decision-making/problem-solving method I developed specifically for practical application of leadership theories.
The leadership theories explored in the Leadership Effectiveness seminars are:
Where Does Your Power Really Come From? (Bases of Power),
Good Ol’ Boys-n-Girls…How to Recognize and Avoid It (Vertical Dyad Linkage),
Followership…How Can You Lead Without Them? (Followership),
People in the Workplace - Understanding Each Other (Human Throughput Process, Heuristics, Generational Differences and Similarities),
Who gets the Blame or Credit? (Fundamental Attribution Error and Rationalization),
Growing Your Teams into The Right Mix (Socialization),
Knowing What Glue to Use to Hold Your Teams Together (Cohesion Theory),
What’s Fair is Fair (Equity Theory),
Motivation and How it Works (Motivation Theory),
The Carrot or The Stick (Motivation through consequences),
Setting Realistic and Attainable Goals (Goal Setting Theory and Goal Matrix Development),
Building Teams – From Beginning to End (Team Development Theory),
Team Player’s – What Kind of Team Player Are You? (Team Player Styles),
Team Decision Making (Team Decision Making Theories, Groupthink, and Abilene Paradox),
Managing Team Conflict – Healthy or Not? (Conflict Management Theories),
Communication in Any Organization/Active Listening (Communication and Active Listening Practices),
An Ethical Environment – The Leader’s Challenge (Creating and Maintaining an Ethical Environment)
By the end of the week-long seminar, participants can apply the fifteen (15) different psychology, social science and behavioral science theories, using communication, to one ethics-based question. This is the real test in that nobody knows (not even the instructors) who will work together in teams, nor what theory topic teams will have to apply, because I pull them from a hat in a random drawing. Not only do the teams consistently and correctly apply the different theories to the one question, they all understand the terminology, the application process and the inter-relatedness of all the theories in the process of application to this exercise.
All of this is also measured through a self-assessment of the 15 competency areas before and after instruction, and a pre-test/post-test of the same competency areas. Over a two-year study of the pre-test and post-test exams, participants averaged 18.42% increase in these competencies. If all of your front-line supervisors, team-leaders and trainers transformed their inspiration and motivation into performance behaviors by an increase of 18.42%, what would that do to your bottom line and/or reduction in liability?
The next scheduled seminar is September 24-28, 2018, in Davis, CA. Seminars can be scheduled for specific organizations, or for a geographic region. This is a very interactive seminar, so the participant size is limited to 25 per session. The theories apply to any organization with people in it regardless of the type of profession, products or services, because they are based on the psychology, social and behavioral sciences of people.
To sign up for the Leadership Effectiveness Class in September in Davis, CA go to:
To view the course flier: Course flier
To see some of our clients: CMF Clients
For more description of the course subjects go to:
To schedule a seminar in your area please contact me here: